Friday, January 26, 2024

Yep, Made A Decision


I've had a bit of time to think through this whole marketing concept, and I've come to realize that it's silly. "Experts" tell authors we have to do it, so we dutifully comply ~ to the best of our abilities. But what are we accomplishing, really?

I managed to get a whole three people to agree to read my book, but only one of them actually followed through. Even if all three of them did, what would that do for my sales? I'm a chump; following orders without question and without engaging my trademark skepticism. 

Let's assume the unimaginable happened ~ that I'd somehow manage to reap hundreds of positive reviews. How would that help my bottom line? What would all those "free reads" amount to? Zero dollars earned, for one thing. Would a potential customer be swayed by all that positivity, for an 81-page novella written by a nobody? 

I've decided. No more marketing. No more trolling for ARC readers. It's a lot of work and degradation for miniscule payoff.  

I am done. So my books go nowhere. I'm used to that. 

Buyers are going to continue to buy well-known authors. Why wouldn't they? Those folks have a track record. I, for one, never take a chance on a book by someone I've never heard of. The author's name is her selling point. That's what she's got that I don't. And two or three reviews isn't going to get me there.

Done. I surrender. 

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