Thursday, February 22, 2024


Someone recently posted online, "I published my book three days ago and I've only sold one copy." Really? Only one? I published my first novels years ago and still haven't managed to sell one.

Is there a magic potion involved with selling? If there was, it would be more discoverable than a real world answer. I've pondered it, tried to rationalize it, pointed fingers (at myself and at the world at large), and I still can't crack the code.

Some reasons for my lack of sales are obvious: 

  • Wrong genre
  • The dreaded "novella" word
  • No advertising budget*
  • Pitiful social media presence
  • One big-ass glut of self-published books available; and
  • I'm self-published

Others are not so obvious: 

  • No one know that my products are good, because hardly anyone has sampled them
  • *I could theoretically spend thousands of dollars on advertising with the same results
  • Lack of reviews because, again, no one has sampled my work
  • While I don't pay for graphic design, my book covers are fine; competitive
  • Wrong pricing?
  • I may write in the "wrong" genre, but plenty of people still read it

I read enough self-publishing forums to know that some indie authors are selling. Some are selling big. It's not all luck, but I believe it's a good deal of luck. 

One thing I've never had in abundance.




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