Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Odds And Ends

It seems that the majority of my ARC readers don't intend to follow through. Either that or they found my novella so bad they don't dare leave a review. I've only received one review, albeit a five-star, but one review sadly won't cut it. Maybe it's just me, but if I volunteered to do something, I'd feel obligated to do it. It's not as if I forced them to raise their hands. 

My LibraryThing giveaway seems to have peaked at sixteen entries. I'm grateful for sixteen, but if I don't reap any reviews from it, it's kind of a losing effort. I'm not sure that I even care at this point. I'm ready to move on. 

I've begun distancing myself from the whole marketing aspect. A new project is sounding more and more inviting, but if I don't finish reworking my novel, it'll nag at me.

I used to be supremely satisfied simply publishing my novellas and admiring their images on my website. Zero expectations. This whole review tangent took the fun out of it. It's time to get back to the fun. Get lost in a new story. Know that it's good even if no one reads it.

I'm ready to do that again.



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