Wednesday, March 13, 2024


The beginning of my new story read like a high school term paper. I did this and then I did that. If I couldn't do better, I would have to chuck it. But when one doesn't know where they're heading, it's important to just get the bones right.

Today I started over. I didn't trash all those previous words, but I incorporated some of them into a much, much more interesting beginning.

I restarted the story where it needed to start. After all this time I'm still learning how to weave in back story. Just a sprinkle is all it needs. What brought the main character to this place? Why did she end up here? That barely requires more than a sentence or two. The main action is now.

Too, I introduced another character. It's boring as hell when someone only interacts with herself. A singular person's introspection is only tolerable for a moment or two. 

I'm guessing that secondary character will play a big role in the story. If not, what is the point? But complications will ensue. Right now, my MC has bigger fish to fry, and they're probably not going to be tasty fish. She's delusionally pig-headed about what she wants and she's going to pay a price for that. 

At last I am interested. I'm still not completely grounded in "place", but it's something to work on. And now my MC has someone to play off.

She even has a name now! It's difficult to name someone when writing in first person until they meet someone and have occasion to introduce themselves. I took two first names from the 1990 most popular baby names list and combined them. Lazy? Well, it works. I need to know who I'm writing about. 

I'm still not sure if this story will flesh out, but I'm certainly not ready to throw in the towel. It's only been two writing sessions, after all. And the first session was mostly a bust.

I will chart my progress here, as my MC's world turns.

Still looking for the hook, but the hour is early. I intend to get there.  

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