Thursday, March 14, 2024

Sometimes, Just For Fun...

I generally forget that I still have a Substack account. Initially I was going to use it to send out my author newsletter, until I discovered its drawbacks (unreliability being the big one, limited formatting another). When I subsequently signed on with MailerLite I abandoned SS.

Every once in a while, though, I pen a blog post that's pretty good, and since no one reads my blog or visits my website, I'll think, hey, slap it up there on Substack! Why not? I'm past embarrassment at this point, and while there are scores of actual journalists who use that site, none of them will be reading my little "notes". And I do have three subscribers, after all.

I'm one who doesn't like things going to waste. I'm a little bit obsessive about that. While my husband loves emptying out the refrigerator, I think, well, there's still another meal to be made from those leftovers ~ I should keep them, just in case. I also force the very last squeeze out of a tube of toothpaste. I don't remember my parents being excessively cheap or fanatical about preservation, so I'm not sure from where that trait emanates.  

So if I have it, why not use it? Granted, I don't use it much, because I rarely have anything interesting to say, and because...well, I tend to forget I have it. My Substack account is just another one of those things, like my Goodreads blog, that I started and feel wasteful abandoning.

And in between writing sessions, I'm looking for ways to occupy my time.


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