Saturday, March 2, 2024

Updated Newsletter Stats and Other Updates


It's true that I'm a glutton for punishment. I can't help myself. I even looked at my Lies and Love listing on Amazon to see if there were any new reviews (thankfully, no). And since I took the time to send out an author newsletter yesterday, it was only fitting to view the results.

Thirty people opened it. I guess that's better than eleven or whatever it was last time I looked. That's still a pitiful number. I won't need to look again, because if someone doesn't bother opening it the first day, they're not going to. The biggest tell is that no one clicked on any of the links embedded within it. So, they opened it, scanned it, and deleted. Ehh.

While I have a subscribe button on my author site, I've never once gained any new subscribers. Of course, someone would need to first visit my site to find it. I've also put a signup link out there in various places, with no interest. It would be kind of fun to garner one new subscriber. Fun and astonishing.

Since unsubscribing from all the book promo sites' newsletters, my inbox has been deathly quiet. It's almost not worth checking it. Same for the email address I used for LibraryThing. I still don't have any reviews and probably won't. Those seven "lucky winners" haven't been forthcoming ~ and it's a novella. It takes about an hour to read.

My only email account that provides any action is the one I used to sign up for Reddit and LinkedIn. At least Reddit sends me a daily digest of interesting posts, and I have tons of new wannabe friends from LinkedIn. I accept all the friend requests and ignore all the direct messages. I'm not in the market to purchase any of their services. 

Goodreads has become a bore. If I think of it, I'll check my author dashboard for new reviews (there aren't any), and all the group notifications are dull. I don't give a shit about people wanting ARC readers. Been there; regretted that.

It feels weird to be basically off the grid. I was used to having a routine ~ check this, then check that, rinse and repeat. I find myself running out of ways to kill time. I miss the old days, when I was clueless about all this stuff. 

This is the last newsletter update; I promise. Even I'm getting bored with it.



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