Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Websites and Things

I don't read on my phone. If I was thirty years younger, sure, but my eyes don't adjust well anymore. I was sitting in a clinic waiting room while my partner visited his doctor, and there was nothing to do but people-watch, something I've always enjoyed doing and a year's-long habit that enhances my storytelling. Unfortunately, the hour was early and not a lot of people alighted from the elevator. And why do clinics no longer provide magazines? I'm assuming it has something to do with Covid, because as well all know, Covid adheres itself to magazine pages for at least four years. But seriously, that's when I suddenly noticed that all the magazines had been rounded up and disposed of. The only two periodicals (being generous here) available was a Salvation Army magazine with a missing cover page and something from the World Wildlife Fund. And not to belabor the whole clinic experience, but why is everyone wearing masks? Fuck that. I feel like blowing on them. Paranoid sissies.

But I digress.

In lieu of having anything normal-size to read, I began scrolling through my phone. I decided to check how my various websites look on mobile. They look good! I was surprised! I work on a PC. I won't be responsible for the future mass blindness of writers who tap out stories and articles on a teeny-tiny screen. I believe I did originally configure my sites to be mobile-friendly, but since I never view stuff that way, I never bothered to check my sites' presentation. Not only do they look good, but the navigation is smoother than it is on a PC. 

My band's site, which I have been tinkering with, looks pretty damn good. As does my author site. If anyone ever chooses to pull them up on their phone, I will not be embarrassed. 

Anyone who pooh-poohs creating a free website using Blogger is sorely misinformed. No, there are no floating images or other bells and whistles, but it's clean and professional-looking. 

Seems I somehow managed to do something right. 

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