Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Not Sure


Today was a writing ~ or rather, revision ~ day. I'm tired of this project, to be honest. I'm not good with going back, and this novel was written many, many years ago. The only reason I'm striving to transform it into a novella is because I suddenly realized the novel's suckiness. And I hate wasting good words and good time. 
I was hoping to at last be done with it, but now I'm conflicted about the piece's pacing. I dislike some of the transitions and worry that I'm taking a reader out of the story. It's true that no one ever read the novel, so who would I be disappointing? Besides me, of course. But why go through this excruciating slog if I'm just going to slap something subpar out there? 
The sad truth is, it's just not ready. I want to start something new, but I can't. Not until I slay this dragon. Yes, I'd be better off writing a brand-new story. I'd certainly enjoy that more.
Writers fall in love with their words. Penning great text rarely happens. There's a fine line between a compelling story and telling a story in a compelling way. I generally suck at adding flavor, but this one has a lot. (Kudos to me; I obviously worked really hard on it.) But maybe it has too much. Is all that flavor necessary? Will it cause someone to stop reading? Will anyone care that I set the scene so carefully? 
I have more questions now than I did when I started. That does not bode well. On my next writing revision day, I'll give it another go. 
I know I can do better, but right now I'm not sure exactly how.

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