Saturday, March 16, 2024

Well, That's Just, Like Your Opinion, Man

I'm standing by my decision to not read reviews. It's better to imagine they're all good. 😊

Of course, that limits my surfing options. I still pull up Goodreads daily, but only to browse through my subscribed groups. I never go to LibraryThing because that will be the most likely place to find a new review, after last month's giveaway. As for my KDP books page, I only look at my sales report (no new sales, in case you're wondering).

If, say, six months from now, I take a stab at viewing my Amazon or Goodreads reviews and I find a slew of bad ones, I won't only handle it more objectively, but I most likely will no longer care. Time does that. 

There's something to be said for time passing. Things that seem important or even urgent usually aren't. Every once in a while I find myself in organizing mode, and I'll sift through all the papers I've saved for later action or at least review. I generally end up throwing all of them away because they no longer matter or never actually did. Or if I'm really feeling ambitious I'll comb through all the email folders I created. It's amazing to discover the junk I saved. One day I not only trashed a ton of saved emails, but entire folders, such as "Music Opportunities". They no longer matter. If they ever did.

It's impossible to be upset by reviews if one doesn't know they exist.

I choose not to be upset.



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