Monday, June 17, 2024

A Word About Voracious Readers Only

As you know, I've drive tested a few different promo sites. Ninety-five per cent of the time I've been sorely disappointed. But I need to (and want to) give credit where it's due. Voracious Readers Only has come through for me! Since my promo began running, I find new reader notifications in my inbox not only every day but several times throughout the day. These results are awesome! And not only do these readers ask for the book, but they agree to be signed up for the author's newsletter. Granted, it requires one single click to unsubscribe, but adding new subscribers to my Mailerlite list is a nice, warm feeling.

VRO has a reader signup (unlike some other ARC sites that make an author find their own!) and its hook is free books. The site makes it clear that readers will receive a "review copy", which for some might not compute. A few might anticipate getting a Kindle ebook or even a physical copy. But if they don't like ARCs, they can simply cease requesting books. The more savvy of the bunch, though, know what they'll get and they're fine with that. 

A biggie for me is VRO's acceptance of ALL genres. You know how tired I am of sites (which includes many of the best known) shilling for romance. How many promo sites do these romance authors need?? Hey, make room for the rest of us! Indisputably, VRO probably moves more romance than any other genre, but at least the rest of us have an equal opportunity. 

If you're unfamiliar with Voracious Readers Only, you can promote your first book with them for free. They'll find you twenty takers, and pretty quickly (my twenty signups happened the first day). It's entirely out of the author's and VRO's hands whether these takers choose to leave reviews, which is always a crapshoot. 

After that first free promo, if you want to continue utilizing the service for subsequent books, the site offers a thirty-dollar evergreen signup with a six-week free trial. That is more than fair! In fact, it's pretty awesome. Once the six weeks is over, if you only attract a small number of readers, you pay seventy-five cents each for them; not the entire thirty dollars.

Compare VRO's service to BookSprout. I still have zero takers after a week. Needless to say, I'll be canceling BookSprout. Money well wasted.

I love boosting sites that are legit, fair, and best of all, offer a great service. Too often I find exactly the opposite. So if you want ARC readers, it's pretty hard to go wrong with Voracious Readers Only. (And no, I don't get anything out of promoting them. My blog isn't clickbait.)


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