Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Well, Well, Well

My one of perhaps two fans just read Inn Dreams and loved it! She "couldn't put it down". I'm a little uneasy about her profuse praise, but appreciative? Duh. Maybe she's just a really nice person, or maybe she did like it that much. I have a hard time with compliments, because frankly, I don't have a lot of confidence in my work (as much as I try to tout it). 

It is true that I worked really hard on this one, so maybe it paid off. 

Speaking of ARC readers, I've now garnered 25, the vast majority from Voracious Readers Only (three are from my Goodreads posts and one came from a newsletter subscriber ~ the good one). I'm happy that VRO is working out so well. I'm now up to 190 subscribers to my newsletter, which may seem like a lot, but as you know, most of them came from a book bundle giveaway for literary fiction (!) and those folks aren't fans of my work. Trust me.

Still, I guess I need to take my newsletter more seriously. It would be great if I had any interesting content to publish, but no one knows what people want, least of all me. I thought about doing a giveaway, but since most of my new subscribers will already have a copy of Inn Dreams, I would need to give away a different book. I've tried and tried to research "good copy" for newsletters, but none of the suggestions I found ever worked. More brainstorming required, apparently.

It is nice to be able to post some good news for a change. I think I'll savor it. 

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