Saturday, July 6, 2024

Aging Out?

I write main characters who are a lot younger than me ~ they're essentially someone who's at a crossroads in life; they have just enough seasoning to no longer be naive, yet they still have their entire future in front of them. I have no idea how younger writers depict the same type of character, but based on current society their MC's are probably still in that naive phase. Thus, the question occurred to me, am I aging out of the market?

I don't have a reader base, per se, but if I did I would picture it as women between forty and perhaps the mid-fifties. They've gone through my MC's stage of life, but it's not so far in the past that they can no longer relate. I wonder if that age group actually buys a lot of books that aren't romance. 

I'm not trying to compete with younger writers (I'm not trying to compete at all, frankly), but if authors are really serious about selling books, they should educate themselves on the market. 

An embarrassing anecdote: My very first novel featured a woman who shunned telephone conversations, which created problems when family needed to get in touch with her. On the rare occasions when someone was able to reach her by phone, she'd instruct them to text her with future updates. I didn't own a smartphone at the time and I hadn't a clue how texting even worked. Seriously. I made some assumptions in order to move the story along, but any normal person reading it would think I was insane. When I embarked on updating my first novels, I "fixed" that problem, but the fact remains that I was sorely out of touch.

So, am I out of touch now? I don't even know. At least I now know how phones work, but I could be making other wild assumptions I don't even recognize as wild. As far as selling books or anyone liking one of my books, it's a moot point. I'm no longer into selling. But when I read Reddit self-publishing posts, I feel like a relic. I suppose there's a lot to be said for having lived life; perhaps some wisdom to impart, but I don't think many people are in the market for wisdom. They just want to read an interesting book.

I'm going to keep writing characters within that sweet spot. They're fodder for interesting things happening. Not much is going to go on with an old lady sitting in her rocking chair. And there's much to be said for "having a future in front of you".


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