Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Apparently, One Should Check...

I check my Amazon author page for new reviews periodically. It's not that I want to read reviews; I just want to know if I have any new ones. Every single time I look, the numbers remain the same: four for Lies and Love, one for The Diner Girl.

Because my Review Tales contact had emailed to let me know that her review of Shadow Song was published to Amazon, among other places, I wanted to see it. But alas, my review count remained the same. I had no reason to doubt her; she had, after all, posted to Goodreads, as she'd indicated. Amazon does state that sometimes it takes a day or two for a review to show up, but it's been more than a couple of days.

Well, shoot, how would I know to check other Amazon marketplaces? I tend to consider Amazon US the "hub". Apparently I'm too US-centric. Since I wanted to find that one Shadow Song review, I began clicking on other marketplaces. What did I find under the UK?

 Under CA (the New Kaitlyn review was also posted to the US marketplace):


I guess Inn Dreams wasn't a total bust after all. Mostly a bust, but hey, five is better than zero! And they're all positive!

Honestly, the book's lack of reviews had soured me on it. I'd busted my butt trying to make it as good as it could be, and I assumed everyone hated it. No, this can't be qualified as "success", but it also doesn't qualify as failure. I admit, I kind of like the review that starts out, "This was actually a good quick little read!" In other words, "I was expecting a piece of junk, considering I got it free as an ARC, but wait..." Now, that's an honest review.

No, I'm not going to stop employing American slang. These overseas reviewers obtained their copies from Voracious Readers Only, and I won't be promoting future books; thus if any non-American discovers one of my books, it'll be by accident. And I'm me; I write what I know.

Does this little discovery convince me I'm on to something? Not really. But it does show that I'm a decent writer. What more can I ask for?


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