Sunday, August 4, 2024

Late Summer Cleaning

I'm a big bookmarker. When I'm doing book research or when I used to promote my books, if I found an article or a promo site that was promising, I'd saved it to one of my little internet folders. Chances are good, at least for research, I'd pull up that bookmark one or two times and never access it again. Today as I was purging useless bookmarks, I was taken back to the very first novel I wrote, simply by viewing the articles I'd bookmarked; obscure things like the wheat harvest in North Dakota in the 1950's. (My first novel covered three generations.) Then when I was writing The Apple, I saved a lot of information regarding care homes. And the novella that shall remain nameless generated articles about pylon signs. I became quite the expert on those, as a matter of fact.

Today I deleted everything from my book research folder except for info related to the book I'm writing now. More importantly, I deleted my entire book promotion folder. I enjoy purging things I'll never use again. And while I was at it, I got rid of everything related to book creation ~ covers and all that other stuff.  

Slowly I'm transitioning from a would-be author to...well, who knows what? I've considered getting back into counted cross stitch and possibly reading. My 2011 Kindle no longer holds a charge, but I'm getting a free tablet with my Marlboro points, so I'll add the Kindle app to that. Those are really my only two options. I prefer doing something active, so crafting may be the way to go. Unlike writing a book, I'm pretty sure I can't mess up a project that includes directions. My husband wants me to write songs again, but I haven't come up with a polite way to say that I'd rather sit and watch The Office for the thousandth time than write another song. 

At least I can say I accomplished something today. My bookmarks now take up much less space.


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