Saturday, October 12, 2024

My New and Improved Author Site

One thing I can say about me, I work with what I have. Yes, Blogger does not convert to an ideal website, but it's free. And it's generally not frustrating to configure (although it does have some quirks). 

This week I redesigned four of my five website sections and I'm mostly happy with the changes. I would prefer to have a background that's not white, and I will research to find out if I have the option to change that, but I will say that my site is now more professional in appearance.

Take a look here.  

I was unhappy with the "please like me" vibe of the previous iteration, such as my pronouncement that my site and I were "a work in progress". Really? That inspires confidence! I also went overboard posting multiple reviews for each of my books, another sign of insecurity. Now each book has one. 

I could probably humanize my bio a bit more ~ maybe add a touch of humor ~ and use the current one as a press kit (as if I need a press kit). And no, I don't have a profile pic, and I won't. I write under a pen name, so let's just keep me anonymous, shall we? I'm not so sure an author needs to paste their photo anywhere anyway. 

I removed most of my previous blog postings. I don't think I need to "announce" the release of a novel that's three years old. And I'm thinking that a blog shouldn't be hawking my wares; there are other sections for that. I think I'll share more of my writing process instead.

CTA's? Well, there's still my newsletter signup (for my defunct newsletter), plus I blogged that I give away freebies. I also added a "contact me" widget.

I'm actually quite proud of my changes. And they weren't painful to make at all.



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