Monday, October 14, 2024


Google Analytics informs me that my attempt to drive more visitors to my website failed. Of course, it's only been one day since I added more news to my blog. I frankly don't like posting my work, especially work in progress, anywhere, but I was willing to do it ~ post one scene ~ in the hope that someone would be intrigued enough to want more. But my visitor count hasn't budged. 

I'll keep trying, of course, up to a point. I don't know if I'll post more scenes or just talk about some of the characters and offer hints about things that happen. I'm not going to reveal the whole book just to get clicks! 


On another note, I'm running a free book promotion Friday through Sunday for Lies and Love. It'll be just as successful as my last free offer! Some authors reap thousands of downloads when they offer their book for free; I reap zero. Ehh, I've got nothing else to do right now, and its failure will give me something new to blog about. I keep going back to the same well anytime I run one of these promotions. It's always either Lies and Love, Shadow Song, or New Kaitlyn. Maybe I should branch out. I don't have much confidence in the others, generally because of either a lack of reviews or one bad one. (I'm easily discouraged.) I really should read some of my lesser-known (LOL ~ they're all lesser known) books to find out if I'm being too hard on myself. The trouble with doing that is, something will strike me as wrong and then I'll be forced to edit the manuscript and re-upload it, and I just don't want to have to do that. 

While I purchased every one of my books, I've not read any of them, and I probably never will. I wonder if other authors read their published works. Maybe the confident ones do. 

"Hey! What have you been reading?" 

"My own book."

"Cool. I hope you'll be surprised at the end."


I suppose I could always advertise my free book promotions on my website, but it seems like busy work with no reward, and I'd forget to delete the announcement until months later, which will make me look like more of a loser than I already am.


If you're a successful author, you probably read my bitchy posts for laughs. I'm okay with that. But if you are an author who, like me, can never get any traction, well, I've found a kindred spirit. That's always nice.




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