Monday, June 26, 2023

Author Website?


I never really took my author website seriously. I figured it was important to just have one. Sure I configured it and plastered book covers on it, and "buy" links, but that was pretty much it.

I took a look at it the other day and realized it was awful! Amateurish. Granted, I don't pay  for any aspect of book marketing. The reasons are twofold: 1) I have no disposable income (that's a big reason) and 2) what exactly is my ROI for any marketing I do?

If you've taken the time to read my blog posts, you know that my sales are pitiful. I readily admit that. There's always a chance they may soar one day ~ a minuscule chance. Til then, hiring a professional to create a website, hiring a book cover designer, et al, is akin to flushing cash down the toilet. So I do it all myself.

That said, I took a look at some sample author websites and they sparkled next to mine. I definitely could do better. Turned out it wasn't difficult. Take a look. Yes, it's not perfect by any means, but it looks far more professional than my previous slap-together effort. 

You won't be surprised to learn I've had no visitors! Another reason to spend $0.00. But you never know...

My question for my fellow indie writers: Is your website successful? Do you get people to join your mailing list? Do you get comments? 

If you do, do you create a newsletter to send to those potential fans? I'm looking for some validation, some hope. Of course, one days readers will latch onto my amazing books and drive them up the best seller list. Then a movie producer will come calling and shower me with so many compliments I'll blush scarlet. 

Until that happens, I'd settle for one website visitor. 


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