Tuesday, June 27, 2023

People Who Give Up

There are a couple of blogs and websites I follow; one is authored by an acquaintance and the other is from a relative. Every other month or so I click on them to check for updates, but neither has featured any new content in ages (and by ages, one of them hasn't posted since 2020!). 

The thing about starting things you're passionate about I don't understand is, where does the passion go? I, too, have lulls, Just a few posts ago I contemplated never writing again. Those feelings are a natural part of life. Then, a month or so later I started a new novella. I understand certain pursuits running their course. I wrote songs for over ten years, then I ran out of juice. It wasn't that I necessarily wanted to stop. I simply could no longer come up with anything worthwhile. And once an avocation turns into a struggle, the fun is gone. 

My relative's website documents her love of dance. It's fascinating (and I'm not a dancer). But now all the facts she's cited are old, outdated, no longer true. Her lack of updates certainly cools the reader's enjoyment. I wonder -- did she just give up? No longer cares? Then why not just pull the entire site down? 

My acquaintance wrote about music, namely reviews of the many concerts he's attended. His taste in music is definitely not mine; yet his posts were interesting. Now, nothing in three years. Did he stop attending concerts? Doubtful.

These aren't some people I know who liked the idea of blogging, then wrote one post and quit. They put a lot of effort into it. I find myself wishing they'd at least add one last update, an epilogue, if you will, stating they're "too busy" or they "found something else to do", instead of leaving me hanging. 

Me? I'm not a quitter, no matter how much I may bitch from time to time. 

So if you still care about what you're doing, but maybe you've had a few setbacks, take some time off, sure. Just don't quit.

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