Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Book Marketing


By most recent statistics the top-selling fiction genres are:

  • Fantasy.
  • Science Fiction
  • Dystopian
  • Adventure
  • Romance
  • Detective & Mystery
  • Horror
  • Thriller
  • LGBTQ+
  • Historical Fiction
  • Young Adult (YA)

That's bad, bad for me. I write women's fiction. Women's fiction is not romance. While both appeal to a primarily female audience, women's fiction is not driven by an HEA (Happily Ever After). Sure, romance can play a part in women's fiction, but not necessarily a happy romance. Whichever way the romance goes, it's not the focus of the book. Women's fiction is a journey, or how the protagonist conquers a challenge. It's a (non-romantic) journey.

I'm sorry if this upsets you, but I detest fantasy, science fiction, and especially dystopian. I won't watch those genres on my streaming channels (I make my husband watch them on his own time) and I certainly don't read them. I like real life, with real (human) people.  

But dang, they're popular! So what does an author whose genre doesn't even make the top ten do to acquire readers?

Sadly, not much. I've tried all the avenues my budget will allow. I've done free Kindle giveaways, I've created Bookbub ads. Nothing works. Nothing I've done has earned me even one new reader.

Is there an option I'm missing? Give me a shout if you've found one. 'Til then I'll just try crossing my fingers. That doesn't cost me a cent.



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