Friday, January 19, 2024

So Weird ~ No Response


Yesterday I wrote about the unsolicited requests I've been receiving to add various strangers' "found links" to my website's self-publishing tips. This time I decided to write back:

Hello (name redacted), 

I apologize for not opening your email until now. As you can well imagine, I receive several requests like yours to add links to my site, and if I find value in them, I'm happy to do so as a free service to would-be writers. Can you tell me a bit more about your library and the programs you offer? Where are you located? How is your class structured? I'm truly interested in learning more about those who've shown an interest in my work. I am considering adding a section to my tips page that will include contributions from students such as yours, but I do like to do my research first, since my site was primarily built for e-commerce. 

All my best, April 

P.S. I hope you have browsed my book page and will consider making a purchase.

Well, guess what? My correspondent has gone missing in action! I thought my message was exceedingly polite. (Perhaps I should have given her a deadline, like she gave me.) Maybe this is truly some kind of scam or spam. Apparently I will never know. Maybe the words "e-commerce" and "purchase" scared her away.

I shall save my response for future use, since I'm sure to receive more of these. Certainly no one can say I'm unresponsive or rude.


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