Thursday, January 18, 2024

Got Another One!

A while back I posted about receiving email requests to add specific links to my author site's self-publishing tips. The first couple times, I was flattered that someone had perused my site and because of that I was feeling magnanimous. So I added them. But after receiving more and more of these, it began to rankle me. Who are these people? And why do all their requests sound eerily similar? Is this some kind of scam that I'm just too dumb to figure out? I don't know who or what they'd think they were scamming, though. There isn't anything on my site to steal except my intellectual property (such as it is).

Every one of them is from some volunteer instructor at a writing camp or a youth services class, and each of them has a specific adolescent student who just happened to stumble upon a very worthwhile link that she would be so flattered if I added and gave her attribution. So coincidental! Apparently there are millions of these little junior leagues all over the country!

I received another one a few days ago with the usual spiel:

"As a youth services educator, I would just like to say a quick word of thanks! I've been able to get some great use out of your writer's interest resource links list as I've been running a fun writing workshop for a small group of 13-16 year olds over the last few weeks.

I hope you don't mind, one of our youngest(name redacted) has also asked me if I could share an article that she and her mother found together on understanding (redacted) for writers.

If you find you are able to use this one, would you please let me know? We're meeting Wednesday afternoon, and I would absolutely love to surprise (name redacted) if you're able to do so.

Thanks again for all your help here April."

So, not only does this person demand that I don't break her little student's heart, but she puts a time limit on my assignment!

Also, don't refer to me by my first name. You don't know me!

I hate being played for a fool, and I really want to understand what the game is here. Do the links contain some sort of malware? There is no way these almost identical "requests" can be on the up and up. I wish there was someone I could ask, but how many authors include self-publishing tips on their websites?

So far I haven't responded. My best course would be to simply ignore it. Instead I think I will follow up with some questions of my own. I, too, have demands. My website is for e-commerce, not for propping up little girls' egos. I'm someone who hates hurting anyone's feelings, but I also detest being taken advantage of.

More to come.



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