Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Yep, It's Done

Coming in at about 19,000 words, my latest novella, "Untitled" is done! It turns out I didn't have many tweaks to make ~ a few word substitutions here and there ~ but I didn't add anything to the story that didn't already exist. Could it be better? Everything can be better, but the book is honest. It's a novella, after all. If it were a novel, I could delve deeper into each character's psyche. But that wouldn't serve a novella's purpose. It's a straight-ahead story. No U-turns. 

I am notorious for second-guessing. A few days ago I was certain I would need to erase a complete four-hour writing session, but on further read, the parts I'd added fit. Writers, trust yourselves! It's true that maybe you didn't use the exact right words, but words are easy to change. If you write with heart, that's what matters. 

I'm feeling euphoric today. I started this story shortly before Christmas with absolutely no inkling of whether it would be a last-gasp enterprise or something I'd fall in love with. I fell. 

I'll leave the housekeeping duties for another day. I know there are words to format, a title to bestow, and the inevitable drudgery of begging for reviews. Today I'm just going to revel in my accomplishment. 

I did it! 


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