Sunday, June 23, 2024

A Miscellaneous Jumble of Things

I may have been a bit hasty the other day when I wrote that my Voracious Readers Only promo was winding down. While I haven't seen the numbers of new takers I did before, they're still trickling in. I'm guessing I landed about six readers since my previous posting. It's rather easy to tell from whence (?) these people are originating. The overnight wants have to be Brits. My one enthusiastic ARC reader is, which I never would have guessed, and apparently all the references to American things in my book didn't bother her. I don't write with an international audience in mind; I just write what I know.

An amusing side note about book research: Second Chance, which I'm revising now, is set in Wyoming. I have no reason for that; it was simply a western state I hadn't used in previous books. Naturally I've done some Google searches involving the state, such as "Where are hunting lodges located in eastern Wyoming?" or "trees native to eastern Wyoming". Now, when YouTube shows me its recommendations I'm suddenly seeing documentaries and shorts about Wyoming. I don't particularly care about Wyoming; it's a nice state; I've been there, but it's just the setting of my story. "Chance", the town in the story, is made-up. (And you wondered why I named the book "Second Chance" ~ see, double meaning! How clever am I?) Bottom line, Google's cookies are definitely doing their work. But I'm not interested in taking a deep dive into the state. As long as I get the little details right, that's all that matters.

My spur-of-the-moment one-day Fussy Librarian promo needed me three sales of Lies and Love. That's likely more sales than I've ever gotten from FL before. I seriously think it's the cover. I've made decent covers before and pretty bad covers before, but this one is probably my best and most genre-specific. Pretty, kind of shimmery cover image that portrays a pensive mood and a perfect cursive font. 

Inn Dreams goes live tomorrow and perhaps I should be excited, but why? Is something magical going to happen? I hope a few reviews from ARC readers show up, but if I had to guess right now, I would guess one. It would be nice to schedule some promos in which I could boast of having a decent number of reviews (and a decent number of stars!). Some sites specifically ask about that. But as I get more involved with Second Chance, the memories of Inn Dreams are beginning to fade. It's odd that something that means so much at a certain time takes on lesser importance as our lives move on. That's probably a good thing when it comes to advertising, because I can be more arms-length about it. 

Speaking of ads, I've now spent 86 cents of my daily two-dollar budget. That's $28.00 total budgeted and I only used up 86 cents worth! Wow, these ads are amazing! No sales, no KENP reads, perhaps twelve clicks (they're kind of cagey about cost per click). Note to self: Don't buy Amazon ads again.

I know you're breathlessly awaiting my BookSprout numbers ~ still zero takers. I clicked on their "help" page to see if maybe I could learn what to do differently to get readers, but I'm apparently the only author who's ever had this issue, because no related help topic exists. I read up a bit by searching "what if you get no readers on BookSprout", but Google didn't return any results. I don't know if having a "team" restricts new takers ~ when I signed up it asked me for a team name, so I just input "April's Team", assuming I had to enter something. I just found a way to delete that, so I'll soon know the answer. All in all, BookSprout has been a frustrating experience. I wouldn't mind if it was free, but I'm paying for this "privilege". 

Whew ~ I think I'm caught up. 



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