Sunday, June 23, 2024


I haven't had a true writing day lately, but I opened my revision document, hoping something would come to me while I worked on other tasks. Nothing has.

My new twist on the story is a good one, but I'm stymied as to how to execute it. As I tend to do, I keep tinkering around the edges, not getting to the point. 

I'm thinking that my main character will initially accept the offer she's been handed, though not enthusiastically. She tries hard to talk herself into it. While she should be walking on clouds, something is missing inside her. Right now I have her lying wide awake in bed, still a bit shellshocked, and that's where I left off. Apparently I need to draw from personal experience, from those times when I knew I should do a certain thing, but absolutely didn't want to.

My MC has two weeks to make up her mind. Maybe interactions with the various side characters will cause even more conflict, because each of them will have a different opinion and will give valid reasons for it. I know that ultimately she can't just go with someone else's choice, because that will eliminate all her agency. She's supposed to be the hero (heroine) of the story, after all. 

All the ideas above are perfectly fine. What's not fine is me not knowing how to write it. Lord knows I don't want to "foreshadow" anything (yes, that one review still stings). 

Luckily in the story Thanksgiving is approaching and a couple of important people from her past are coming to share the holiday with her, so I can easily draw them into her conundrum. Or does she even tell them about it? I'm thinking she does, because keeping this secret to herself eliminates any potential drama. 

Right now the whole thing sounds like an extensive revision, and that wasn't exactly my intent when I began. On the other hand, I don't have a new story idea, so why not treat this as brand new? 

Right now I don't know when I'll be able to block out time for an entire writing session, and this little piecemeal approach is hardly conducive to advancing the story. Then again, I'm not on deadline. I could take the rest of the year to finish it and no one would know or care.

Alas, my confusion continues.



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