Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Authors Need a "No Romance" Promo Site

Is romance all anyone reads anymore? Seriously what is wrong with people? I was around eleven when my friend and I would sometimes buy a magazine called, "True Story". Of course it didn't consist of actual true stories, but what did we know? We were eleven. The short stories were all romance, and we loved it. Is that the maturity level of adults now? What has gone wrong in their personal lives that they only want to get lost in soporific read-alike books? And yes, I am denigrating these people (they're not going to buy my books anyway). Take an active interest in something besides your fantasies! Or better still, find a real-life romantic partner.

I have no doubt that a lot of these romance books are well written, but that's hardly the point. They're cotton candy. I almost feel like writing one just to prove how easy they are to sell. Maybe that's why so many writers specialize in them. Except mine would be sneakily subversive because I hate that genre so much. 

I really wouldn't give an F if all the book promo sites weren't specializing in romance at the expense of every other genre. Yes, there are a couple of sci fi sites, but a couple is hardly comparable to one thousand romance pushers. (Not that sci fi would help me any more than romance would). Some enterprising company should go out on a limb and just feature good books. In fact, "Good Books" would be a great name. 

And I'm also sick of having to specify that women's fiction isn't romance, in case some dumb slob feels duped. 

Women are not helping their reputations by being incurious. Maybe that's why I've excelled in my professional life when so many others failed. I was interested in other things besides living vicariously through made-up heroes and heroines. 

No, the customer isn't always right.    

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